WARNING: This product contains nicotine.Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
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How to remove the vape coil properly?
1. When you unscrew the coil, please pay attention not to screw it at a slant angle. 2. When coil has been used for a long time, you can use dry cloth or paper (with stronger friction) to unscrew if it is not easily unscrewed.
How long does an atomizer last?
      The wire inside the atomizer has a service life. The service life of the atomizer varies according to different usage and frequency.
 How to clean the vape tank?
Cleaning the vape tank on a regular basis could extend the atomizer’s service life. After cleaning, the parts should be dried and then installed, the core is not easy to dry, it is better not to clean the core.
How to changing to other e-liquid?
       Clear the vape atomizer before changing to other e-liquid。When changing different flavors of e-liquid, it is necessary to clear the atomizer in advance, in order to prevent a variety of flavor residues and influence the vaping experience.
How to maintain when not in use
Remove the atomizer from the mod when not in use and store it properly, in order to prevent the mod automatic vaping and burn the core. Keep the atomizer clean, do not store too much e-liquid in the atomizer and close the airflow hole.
How to extend the service life of atomizer?
It will lead to the deformation of the wire and shorten the life of wire if the metal wire is burned for a long time. When you vaping, you could shorten the burning time, and cool the atomizer, avoid long time burns.
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  • disposable pod
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